June 15, 2023

You’ve come to the right place if you are an engineer aspiring to move to Australia. In this article, we will delve into the updated MSA Booklet provided by Engineers Australia, which serves as a valuable resource for engineers aiming to achieve high scores in the skill assessment test. Let’s explore the essential information and insights that will help you navigate the skill assessment journey successfully.

Understanding Migration Skill Assessment (MSA) Booklet

Migration skill assessments are often conducted by immigration authorities or designated assessing bodies in various countries to evaluate the qualifications and skills of individuals seeking to migrate for work or other purposes. These assessments aim to determine if the applicant’s skills and qualifications meet the requirements of the target country.

Engineers Australia has recently revised the MSA Booklet to guide engineers in obtaining high-skill assessment examination scores. This comprehensive resource encompasses all the necessary information for the test and is organized into five sections, each containing crucial details.

Sections of the Migration Skill Assessment Booklet: EA 2023

Section A: Skill Assessment Procedure

  • This section outlines how Engineers Australia leads the skill assessment procedure.
  • It covers essential information such as fees, requirements, the online application process, assessment methods, and result evaluation.
  • Applicants dissatisfied with the assessment outcome can find instructions on requesting a re-review of their application.

Section B: Path Selection

  • Engineers can find guidance in choosing the appropriate path for their skill evaluation procedure in this section.
  • It provides information on different pathways available, including accredited Australian qualifications, Washington Accord qualifications, Sydney Accord qualifications, Dublin Accord qualifications, and the Competency Demonstration Report (CDR).

Section C: CDR Report Creation

  • Section C offers detailed instructions on creating the Competency Demonstration Report (CDR).
  • It includes samples of summary statements for Professional Engineers, Engineering Technologists, Engineering Associates, and Engineering Managers in each professional group.
  • Detailed information about the required skills for each occupation is provided.
  • Engineers Australia’s chosen occupations list from the ANZSCO (Australia New Zealand Standard Classification of Occupations) is also included.
  • Applicants dissatisfied with their assessment result can refer to this section for information on requesting a re-examination.

Section D: Additional Assessment Services

  • Section D focuses on describing additional assessment services provided by Engineers Australia.
  • It provides information on Fast Track assessments and additional application support.

Pathways For Migration Skill Assessment

We will explore the various pathways and highlight key information from the MSA booklet to help you navigate the skill assessment process effectively.

Accredited Qualification Pathway:

  • Engineers Australia recognizes or authorizes degrees obtained by candidates.
  • Candidates with an authorized degree can apply under the Accredited Qualification category.

Non-Accredited Qualification Pathway:

  • An alternative route is available if a candidate still needs to possess a degree authorized by Engineers Australia.
  • Candidates must submit a high-quality Competency Demonstration Report (CDR) to Engineers Australia.

Five Migration Skill Assessment Pathways

The MSA booklet outlines the following pathways accredited by Engineers Australia:

a. Accredited Australian Qualifications

  • Assessment of qualifications obtained from Australian educational institutions recognized by Engineers Australia.

b. Washington Accord Qualifications

  • Assessment of qualifications obtained from countries that are signatories to the Washington Accord.
  • The Washington Accord establishes international recognition of engineering qualifications

c. Sydney Accord Qualifications

  • Assessment of qualifications obtained from countries that are signatories to the Sydney Accord.
  • The Sydney Accord focuses on the recognition of qualifications in the field of engineering technology.

d. Dublin Accord Qualifications

  • Assessment of qualifications obtained from countries that are signatories to the Dublin Accord.
  • The Dublin Accord emphasizes the recognition of qualifications in engineering technicians.

e. Competency Demonstration Report (CDR)

  • The CDR pathway is for candidates who have an authorized degree.
  • It involves preparing a high-quality CDR report that showcases the candidate’s engineering skills and competencies.
  • The MSA booklet provides detailed guidelines and requirements for preparing a successful CDR report.

Key Considerations for CDR Preparation

  • Understanding the purpose and structure of the CDR.
  • Demonstrating engineering knowledge and skills through detailed career episodes.
  • Emphasizing personal contributions and achievements in the engineering projects undertaken.
  • Providing evidence of professional development and continuous learning in the engineering field.
  • Ensuring compliance with the Engineers Australia competency standards and guidelines.

Essential Things To Include In Your Competency Demonstration Report (CDR)

Personal Information

  • This section requires candidates to provide relevant personal details.
  • It includes a passport-size photo, prime ID (e.g., passport), name change documents (if applicable), resume, and English language test results.

Application Information

  • Applicants must provide information about the specific occupation they wish to have evaluated.
  • The chosen occupation must be listed in the ANZSCO Code occupations, a standardized classification system for occupations in Australia and New Zealand.

Educational Background

  • Candidates are required to include their educational credentials, along with transcripts and any other relevant academic documents.
  • This section highlights candidates’ educational qualifications and provides evidence of their engineering knowledge and skills.

Details About Previous Skilled Employment

  • Candidates must provide evidence of their previous skilled employment based on their engineering experience.
  • They may also apply for the Relevant Skilled Employment Services, further supporting their claims and strengthening their application.

CDR Report

a. Continuing Professional Development (CPD)

  • The CPD section showcases how the candidate stays updated in their field of engineering post-graduation.
  • It includes a table with information such as the title, date, duration, place, and organizer of each CPD activity.
  • Certificates or evidence of completion should be included but limited to one A4 page.

b. Career Episodes

  • Career Episodes provide a detailed account of the candidate’s engineering projects or experiences.
  • Candidates must present three Career Episodes, each focusing on a specific period or project.
  • Each Career Episode demonstrates the candidate’s application of engineering knowledge and skills.

Format for career episode:

SectionDescriptionWord Count
IntroductionProvides an introduction to the career episode, including organization details and duration.Approx. 100 Words
BackgroundDescribes the applicant’s job role, project concept, or organizational position related to the episode.200-500 Words
Personal Engineering ActivityDetails the applicant’s actions, challenges faced, problem-solving approaches, and conclusions reached500-1000 Words
SummaryIt offers a summary of the career episode and the applicant’s role50-100 Words

c. Summary Statement

  • The Summary Statement links the elements of the Career Episodes to the Engineers Australia competency standards.
  • It cross-references specific paragraphs of the Career Episodes with the relevant competency elements.
  • The Summary Statement highlights the candidate’s competence in the desired engineering competencies.

How Can We Help You?

We are a professional service provider specializing in helping engineers write outstanding Competency Demonstration Reports (CDRs) for Engineers Australia’s skill assessment. With our expertise and personalized assistance, we guide you through the process, ensuring your CDR is comprehensive and well-structured. Our services include thoroughly reviewing your personal information, application details, educational background, and employment history to ensure all necessary components are included.

Our skilled technical writers collaborate with you to craft compelling Career Episodes that showcase your engineering expertise and align with the competency standards. We also assist in developing a strong Continuous Professional Development (CPD) statement and creating a concise Summary Statement. Contact us today for personalized guidance and support.

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